Smoking Non-smoking Piano Room Men's Fashion Thoughts Links

The piano room

The piano is a great instrument

I'd like to prove it to you

Let's start with this guy whose shadow looks like an ant.
His name was 坂本 龍一, or Ryuichi Sakamoto. He was a certified bad ass composer and piano player. Just stop what you're doing and listen for a minute:

This song is called "Self Portrait." What a bad ass name for a bad ass song. Not only is he revealing himself to you through this incredible melody and arrangement, he's telling you he's doing it. Unfortunately we lost Ryuichi at the beginning of 2023. His music lives on. I could talk about Ryuichi and Yellow Magic Orchestra (aka YMO, his electro-pop band from the 70s and 80s) for days, probably.

Anyway, the piano is dope. There's probably going to be a lot more stuff here, but I haven't gotten to it yet.